Spindle is a spidering index tool for Apache Lucene. It includes the Apache Software License, but the spider application code is released under the GPL, see the master copy. The Spindle source depends on the following packages:
- The
class includes the packagecom.bitmechanic.listlib
, which in turn includes the Apache Commons Bean Utilities package, released under the Apache Software License, see the master copy. - The
class includes classes from thecvu.html
package, which is released under the GPL licence. - The
classes depend onorg.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer
. Lucene is released under the Apache Software Licence version 2.0.
Spindle also depends on standard Java extensions, which should be compatible with the GNU Servlet API:
- The
class depends onjavax.servlet.jsp.PageContext
Copyright MKDoc Ltd. and others.
The Free Documentation License http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html