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Component description

The MKSearch query component is responsible for handling HTTP-based search queries by general users. It's implementation is currently in the form of a single HttpQuery servlet class that formulates queries via an SeRQLQueryBuilder, passes these to a file-based Sesame RDF repository and displays the results with a custom ResultsRenderer type.

More ResultsRenderer types
There are currently two result renderer types, which are very basic; a TextResultsRenderer and XhtmlResultsRenderer. At least one further type, RssResultsRenderer is required to generate an RSS feed for a standing query. One issue for the RSS feed is the need to include the query URI itself in the output, which will require a more sophisticated renderer interface.
Results paging
The results renderer interface currently has no method for paging the results of a query nor controlling the number of results per page.
Results cacheing
Standing RSS feeds and results paging will also require a result cache to optimise performance on the server side. However, the cache mechanism also needs to be integrated with the repository management interface, so that stale results are purged.
More complex query construction
The current query builder only constructs queries that join a series of RDF triples, not extended queries that specify the RDF type of the object. Such an extension will require changes to the structure of the SeRQLQueryBuilder class, possibly a set of supporting query construct classes.
AND and AND NOT queries
The query builder should interpret the + and - symbols immediately before a word to mean AND and AND NOT respectively.
Query test documents

The query features need simple test case documents to verify query interpretation and retreival.

Task progress:

  • Prepared a set of "cat and dog" test documents and verified query processing.


This document was last modified by Philip Shaw on 2005-05-18 02:31:33
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