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Jpackage on FC3

The Jpackage project has RPMs for lots of Free Java packages and also SRPMs that you can build against various non-Free packages like Java from Sun.

The intention with this page is to document installing the required depandances for MKSearch on Fedora Core 3.

Configuring Yum

The first thing to do is to either configure Yum (which comes with FC3) to get the Free Jpackage packages or configure Apt (which comes from other repos such as Freshrpms) - you don't need to configure both, if you are not sure which to use then Yum is probably best. The Jpackage site has Apt and Yum configuration instructions, or you can follow the short Yum instructions that have been taken from there.


To ensure that the packages you install are not corrupted you first need to install the Jpackage GPG key. You can download the key as a normal user but you need to install it as root:

  $ cd /tmp/
  $ wget
  $ su
  # rpm --import jpackage.asc


It is simply a matter of downloading the jpackage.repo list and installing it as root:

  $ cd /tmp/
  $ wget
  $ su
  # mv jpackage.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/

You can then run yum update to update the list of available packages.


This document was last modified by Chris Croome on 2005-01-24 04:47:58
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The Free Documentation License