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Build MKSearch with GCJ

The MKSearch system is designed to be compatible with the GNU Compiler for Java (GCJ). These notes explain how to compile the system using a set of bash scripts. All source is available from the MKSeach Subversion repository.

Library compilation

The MKSearch project is built on top of a number of supporting Java libraries, some of which have been modified to compile with GCJ. The modified source is in the /lib-src directory, which has sub-directories for each main library: GNU JAXP, JSpider, JTidy, GNU Servlet and Sesame.

These libraries are compiled and assembled into Java zip archives (JAR) in the /lib directory. All supporting libraries can be compiled from a single script, $mk_home/bin/, which calls a separate script for each.

MKSearch compilation

After you have compiled and archived the supporting library packages, the script $mk_home/bin/ can be used to compile the MKSeach application code base. The compiled classes are archived to $mk_home/dist/mksearch.jar.


This document was last modified by Philip Shaw on 2005-03-30 07:04:07
Copyright MKDoc Ltd. and others.
The Free Documentation License