
Available documents

Database storage configuration
How to set up database storage configuration for indexing and querying.
2006-01-10 07:23:54
Using MKSearch source releases
A tutorial about unpacking and configuring an MKSearch source release
2005-08-09 08:25:40
Run the MKSearch indexer
How to run the MKSearch indexing tool using GCJ
2005-03-30 07:14:09
Build MKSearch with GCJ
A guide to building MKSearch with the GNU Compiler for Java.
2005-03-30 06:51:03
Jpackage with Sun Java on FC3
How to install the Jpackage dependancies, including Sun's Java, for MKSearch on a Fedora Core 3 GNU/Linux machine.
2005-01-24 03:53:51
Jpackage on FC3
How to install the Jpackage dependancies for MKSearch on a Fedora Core 3 GNU/Linux machine, using only Free code.
2005-01-24 03:53:51
Earlier MKSearch installation
There was a previous partially successful attempt to create MKSearch, this is available via CVS.
2004-10-19 07:01:25
Compilation with GCJ
Notes on the compilation requirements for the MKSearch project using the GNU GCJ compiler.
2004-10-13 03:48:38
This document was last modified on 2004-10-19 08:20:48.
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