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Tomcat on FC4

These are some working notes on the configuration of Apache Tomcat on Fedora Core 4.

Application structure


This is the location of the Tomcat server configuration, including server.xml. On Fedora Core 4, it also contains a tomcat5.conf file that configures the service under which Tomcat runs.

The key configuration files are owned by root.


This is the path that the environment variable CATALINA_HOME refers to. On Fedora Core 4, most of the directories it contains are symbolic links to other locations, as follows:

common  -> /var/lib/tomcat5/common
conf    -> /etc/tomcat5
logs    -> /var/log/tomcat5
server  -> /var/lib/tomcat5/server
shared  -> /var/lib/tomcat5/shared
temp    -> /var/cache/tomcat5/temp
webapps -> /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps
work    -> /var/cache/tomcat5/work


This document was last modified by Philip Shaw on 2005-09-30 07:24:11
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